When studying for competitive examinations on your own, it might be difficult. Even students who enrol in coaching programmes confront challenges. The causes for this include a lack of consistency in studying, a failure to resolve doubts quickly, disorganised notes, and a lack of a routine. While there are many additional things to consider, these are the primary causes of pupils falling behind.
The extensive syllabus of examinations like JEE and NEET demands constant effort over a two-year period. When it comes to studying, consistency means being up to speed on current subjects and revisiting old material on a regular basis. Revisiting chapters on a regular basis will help you recall the information better. This must be done for each subject. If you are good at one topic but struggle with another, try to devote more time to studying the harder one. Try to go above and beyond the assignment. If you are stuck on a math question, you can utilise a CBSE math solution app to aid you. It also saves you a lot of time, allowing you to devote more time to other subjects.
Taking notes is a crucial practice that will benefit you not just now but also in the future. But how should you go about taking notes? Is it that easy? There is no one right technique to take notes; you may use whichever strategy works best for you. The basic goal of taking notes is to help you keep all of the key information in one place where you can quickly find them.
Many students write out concepts in their own words, using real-life examples. This aids their comprehension. Another approach is to create information trees. You’ll be astonished to see that this approach allows you to summarise an entire chapter in a single glance. Keeping a distinct section for each chapter’s formulae might save you a lot of time. There’s no need to go through hundreds of pages of HC Verma books simply to get a thermodynamic equation. Remember to include examples in your notes to help you grasp the topic’s applicability.
When it comes to competitive exams many students refer to periodic tables, Igor Irodov math formulas, significant points, and other similar sources. This is an efficient method of learning. Fact cards, quizzes, and even online educational games can help you learn more effectively. Books are not the sole source of information. Experiment with different study methods, such as using digital media. Some internet applications can even help you take and organise notes more effectively. When it comes to chemistry, there are several laws as well as exceptions. Make a note of these exclusions and why they are exceptions. This will greatly assist you in navigating the waters of this subject. Structures in organic chemistry may appear difficult at first, but with practice, you will learn to comprehend them.